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Ellendale Country Club

3319 Highway 311

Houma, Louisiana  70361

March 23, 2023

11:15 a.m.

A.         CALL TO ORDER

B.         ROLL CALL


Mr. Greg Diez, Vice-Chairman

Ms. Jawanda Givens

Ms. Avie Fontenot

Ms. Kelli Cunningham

Mr. John Hebert

Mr. Mike Lewis

Mr. Kevin Belanger

Ms. Britany Davis

Mr. Jerry Repka

Mr. Kelly Wintz

Ms. Marcela Allemand

Mr. Mitch Orgeron


Mr. E. Angelloz

Mr. Kevin Pellegrin

Mr. Alfred Fox, III

Ms. Annette Smith Huber

Ms. Teri St. Peter

Ms. Marilyn Schwartz

Dr. Kristine Strickland

Ms. Katherine Dubois

Ms. Michele Turner Jones

Ms. Cheri Blanchard

Ms. Lora Ann Chaisson




Frank Lewis, Staff

Mary Landry, Staff

Leah Lina, Work Connection, Inc.

Lorey Owens, Work Connection, Inc.

Ms. Theresa Robichaux, Terrebonne Parish Clerk of Court

Mr. Paul Pechon, Bourgeois Bennett, LLC

Ms. Amanda Lasserre, Bourgeois Bennett, LLC



LAT Board Minutes

March 23, 2023

Page 2

The LAT Workforce Development Board, Inc. did have a quorum present.


Mr. Greg Diez, Vice-Chair Person presided over the meeting and thanked all members of the Board for coming to the meeting.


Motion by Mr. Kevin Belanger/Seconded by Mr. John Hebert to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2022 meeting and ratification of the Executive Committee Minutes dated September 22, 2022.



Any Not in Favor:                     None

Abstains:                                 None


Mr. Greg Diez, Vice-Chairman                          Yes

Ms. Jawanda Givens                                        Yes

Ms. Avie Fontenot                                            Yes

Ms. Kelli Cunningham                                      Yes

Mr. John Hebert                                               Yes

Mr. Mike Lewis                                                 Yes

Mr. Kevin Belanger                                           Yes

Ms. Britany Davis                                             Yes

Mr. Jerry Repka                                                Yes

Mr. Kelly Wintz                                                 Yes

Ms. Marcela Allemand                                      Yes

Mr. Mitch Orgeron                                            Yes

Vote:   Unanimous

Motion Passes


1) Introduction and Certification of New Members to the LAT Workforce Development Board, Inc.

  • Mr. Jerry Repka – representing AFLCIO
  • Mr. Kelly Wintz – representing AFL-CIO
  • Ms. Britney Davis – representing Department of Children & Family Services
  • Ms. Marcela Allemand – representing John Deere (Private Industry)




LAT Board Minutes

March 23, 2023

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All new Board Members were introduced and welcomed to the March 23, 2023 LAT Workforce Development, LLC board meeting. Ms. Theresa Robichaux, Clerk of Court – Terrebonne Parish completed the necessary paperwork and certified all new board members to the LAT Workforce Development Board, Inc.


2) Bourgeois Bennett, LLC  Audit Report


Presentation of the 2021-2022 Audit was given by Mr. Paul Pechon and Ms. Amanda Lasserre of Bourgeois Bennett, LLC.  After some discussion, it was noted that there were no material weaknesses and no significant deficiencies reported in addition to no findings or questioned costs.


Mr. Pechon did state that they are required by the Louisiana Legislative Auditors to prepare a Schedule of Procedures to discuss with management and have them consider changing/revising procedures in the event changes happen in the coming years.


Motion by Mr. Mitch Orgeron/Seconded by Mr. Mike Lewis to accept the Audit Report given by the firm of Bourgeois Bennett, LLC, certified Public Accountants / Consultants.



Any Not in Favor:                     None

Abstains:                                 None


Mr. Greg Diez, Vice-Chairman                          Yes

Ms. Jawanda Givens                                        Yes

Ms. Avie Fontenot                                            Yes

Ms. Kelli Cunningham                                      Yes

Mr. John Hebert                                               Yes

Mr. Mike Lewis                                                 Yes

Mr. Kevin Belanger                                           Yes

Ms. Britany Davis                                             Yes

Mr. Jerry Repka                                                Yes

Mr. Kelly Wintz                                                 Yes

Ms. Marcela Allemand                                      Yes

Mr. Mitch Orgeron                                            Yes

Vote:   Unanimous

Motion Passes






LAT Board Minutes

March 23, 2023

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3)     Approval of Revised Workforce 4-Year Plan


The LAT Workforce Development Board, Inc. submitted its 4-year plan to the Louisiana Workforce Commission in 2020 for Region 3, LWDA #31.  It is a requirement that the plan is updated and/or revised every 2 years to accommodate current factors of population numbers, unemployment, demand occupations and projections for said area.   Staff requested that the revised plan be approved.


Motion by Mr. Mike Lewis/Seconded by Mr. Mitch Orgeron to approve the revisions to the LAT Workforce Development 4 – Year Plan.



Any Not in Favor:                     None

Abstains:                                 None


Mr. Greg Diez, Vice-Chairman                          Yes

Ms. Jawanda Givens                                        Yes

Ms. Avie Fontenot                                            Yes

Ms. Kelli Cunningham                                      Yes

Mr. John Hebert                                               Yes

Mr. Mike Lewis                                                 Yes

Mr. Kevin Belanger                                           Yes

Ms. Britany Davis                                             Yes

Mr. Jerry Repka                                                Yes

Mr. Kelly Wintz                                                 Yes

Ms. Marcela Allemand                                      Yes

Mr. Mitch Orgeron                                            Yes

Vote:   Unanimous

Motion Passes



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March 23, 2023

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4)     Approval of Revised Non-Discrimination Plan


The LAT Workforce Development Board, Inc., submitted its Non-Discrimination Plan to the Louisiana Workforce Commission in 2022 for Region 3, LWDA #31.  After a review of the Plan by the Louisiana Workforce Commission, additional information was submitted.


  1. LWDB #31 is asked to provide resume for Equal Opportunity Coordinator
  2. Copies of Certificate for Training on Sexual Discrimination for staff
  3. Re-Instate Element 9- Corrective Actions and Sanctions).


No other issues with the plan were noted


Motion by Mr. Mike Lewis/Seconded by Ms. Kelli Cunningham to approve the Revised Non-Discrimination Plan submitted to the State.



Any Not in Favor:                     None

Abstains:                                 None


Mr. Greg Diez, Vice-Chairman                          Yes

Ms. Jawanda Givens                                        Yes

Ms. Avie Fontenot                                            Yes

Ms. Kelli Cunningham                                      Yes

Mr. John Hebert                                               Yes

Mr. Mike Lewis                                                 Yes

Mr. Kevin Belanger                                           Yes

Ms. Britany Davis                                             Yes

Mr. Jerry Repka                                                Yes

Mr. Kelly Wintz                                                 Yes

Ms. Marcela Allemand                                      Yes

Mr. Mitch Orgeron                                            Yes

Vote:   Unanimous

Motion Passes

5)     Approval of the following Revised/New Policies


a)         Supportive Services Policy – (Revised Policy) to include (Needs Related Payments) and Referral Forms for partners.


b)         Youth Incentive Policy – (Revised Policy) Approval to add the completion of a satisfactory progress report to the current incentive policy.




LAT Board Minutes

March 23, 2023

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c)         Adult & Dislocated Worker Eligibility Policy – (New Policy) Policy added to reflect Adult & Dislocated Worker Eligibility Requirements.



Motion by Mr. John Hebert/Seconded by Ms. Jawanda Givens to approve the two (2) revised and one (1) new board policy.



Any Not in Favor:                     None

Abstains:                                 None


Mr. Greg Diez, Vice-Chairman                          Yes

Ms. Jawanda Givens                                        Yes

Ms. Avie Fontenot                                            Yes

Ms. Kelli Cunningham                                      Yes

Mr. John Hebert                                               Yes

Mr. Mike Lewis                                                 Yes

Mr. Kevin Belanger                                           Yes

Ms. Britany Davis                                             Yes

Mr. Jerry Repka                                                Yes

Mr. Kelly Wintz                                                 Yes

Ms. Marcela Allemand                                      Yes

Mr. Mitch Orgeron                                            Yes

Vote:   Unanimous

Motion Passes


6)     Tier 2.1 Personal Finance Disclosure Statement (Forms A-F)


The Form 2.1 (Personal Financial Disclosure Statement) must be filed annually by all members of the LAT Workforce Development Board, Inc., The deadline for filing with the Louisiana Ethics Board is May 15, 2023.  The form online can be found at www.ethics.la.gov/forms

LAT Board Minutes

March 23, 2023

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H.         UPDATES

1)         Program Update

Ms. Lorey Owens of Work Connection, Inc., stated that staff has been working with Bollinger Shipyards training eight individuals through the Technical College and On the Job Training for Fitters/Welders.

2)         WIOA Funds – Financial Update (Information Only)

After reviewing the financial statements provided to the board, Ms. Landry stated that since the time that the packet reports had been processed the percentage numbers had increased.  Updated percentages reflect the following percentage of funds spent:


Youth   (In-School)                   40%,

(Out of School)            30%,

Adult                                        51.92%

Dislocated Worker                   18.13%.


I.          LUNCH


Ms. Marcela Allemand a new Board member asked if our Board provided insurance protection for the Board.


Mr. Lewis stated that yes there is protection for the Board through a Directors/Officers policy with Ledet Insurance.



Motion by Mr. Mitch Orgeron/Seconded by Ms. Avie Fontenot to adjourn.

LAT Board Minutes

March 23, 2023

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Any Not in Favor:                     None

Abstains:                                 None


Mr. Greg Diez, Vice-Chairman                          Yes

Ms. Jawanda Givens                                        Yes

Ms. Avie Fontenot                                            Yes

Ms. Kelli Cunningham                                      Yes

Mr. John Hebert                                               Yes

Mr. Mike Lewis                                                 Yes

Mr. Kevin Belanger                                           Yes

Ms. Britany Davis                                             Yes

Mr. Jerry Repka                                                Yes

Mr. Kelly Wintz                                                 Yes

Ms. Marcela Allemand                                      Yes

Mr. Mitch Orgeron                                            Yes

Vote:   Unanimous

Motion Passes