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Ellendale Country Club

3319 Highway 311

Houma, Louisiana 70360

DECEMBER 15, 2023

10:40 a.m.

A.         CALL TO ORDER

B.         ROLL CALL


Mr. E. A. Angelloz, LAT Board Chairman

Mr. Greg Diez, Vice-Chairman

Ms. Jawanda Givens

Ms. Avie Fontenot

Ms. Cheri Blanchard

Mr. Kevin Belanger

Mr. Jerry Repka

Ms. Teri St. Peter




Ms. Brittany Davis

Ms. Michelle Turner Jones

Ms. Katherine Dubois (resigned)

Ms. Kelli Varnado

Mr. John Hebert

Ms. Marcela Allemand

Mr. Kevin Pellegrin

Mr. Mike Lewis

Mr. Alfred Fox, III

Ms. Annette Smith Huber

Ms. Marilyn Schwartz (retired)

Mr. Kelly Wintz

Ms. Lora Ann Chiasson

Dr. Kristine Strickland

Mr. Mitch Orgeron

Also Attending:


Frank Lewis, LAT Workforce Development Board, Inc.

Mary Landry, LAT Workforce Development Board, Inc.

Leah Lina, LAT Workforce Development Board/Work Connection, Inc.

Ms. Lorey Owens, Work Connection, Inc.

LAT Board Minutes

December 15, 2023

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The LAT Workforce Development Board, Inc., did not have a quorum.


Motion Mr. Kevin Belanger/Seconded by Mr. Diez to move into Executive Committee with all members present being A-Hoc members to Executive Committee.



Any Not in Favor:                     None

Abstains:                                 None


Mr. E. A. Angelloz                      Yes

Mr. Greg Diez                            Yes

Ms. Jawanda Givens                  Yes

Ms. Avie Fontenot                      Yes

Ms. Cheri Blanchard Yes

Mr. Kevin Belanger                     Yes

Mr. Jerry Repka                         Yes

Ms. Teri St. Peter                       Yes

Vote:   Unanimous

Motion Passes


Mr. Angelloz thanked all Board members for coming to the meeting.


Since there was not a quorum present at said meeting, the minutes of the June 22, 2023 and September 28, 2023 meetings will be ratified at the next LAT Workforce Development Board, Inc., meeting.




  1. 1. Approval of policies

LAT Board Minutes

December 15, 2023

Page 3

a) Annual Leave Change (revised)

Mr. Lewis stated that our CPA firm, Bourgeois Bennett, LLC has requested that changes be made to the Annual Leave Policy for the LAT Workforce Development Board, Inc., to reflect a revision that includes vacation leave accrued during the year is awarded on January 1 of the following year.

Motion by Ms. Avie Fontenot/Seconded by Ms. Teri St. Peter to approve the recommended revision.

Questions arose with regard to the carryover and amount of time carried over by staff from one year to another.  Mr. Kevin Belanger stated that with the small amount allowed to be carried over from one year to the next could cause a problem.  Mr. E. A. Angelloz stated that this should be brought to the board when a quorum is present.  Said item of leave time will be added to the agenda in the near future to be discussed at a later board meeting.  No further discussion.

Vote on the recommended revision to Annual Leave Policy to include that vacation leave accrued during the year is awarded on January 1 of the following year.

Any Not in Favor:                     None

Abstains:                                 None


Mr. E. A. Angelloz                      Yes

Mr. Greg Diez                            Yes

Ms. Jawanda Givens                  Yes

Ms. Avie Fontenot                      Yes

Ms. Cheri Blanchard Yes

Mr. Kevin Belanger                     Yes

Mr. Jerry Repka                         Yes

Ms. Teri St. Peter                       Yes

Vote:   Unanimous

Motion Passes

LAT Board Minutes

December 15, 2023

Page 4

a) Purchasing Policy (revised)

Again a request by the CPA Firm, Bourgeois Bennett, LLC to include a revision to the current Purchasing Policy on how vendors are added to the Vedor’s list.  The revised policy will be revised to reflect that a public notice is prepared to inform the public and the one-stop partners when there is a need to purchase materials, parts, supplies, equipment and other services.  These services are initiated by staff based upon the need to perform duties associated with the business.


The policy will also reflect that when a Vendor’s service is over $1,000.00 it will be recorded on inventory.

Motion by Ms. Cherri Blanchard/Seconded by Mr. Jerry Repka to approve the revisions to the Purchasing Policy.




Any Not in Favor:                       None

Abstains:                                  None


Mr. E. A. Angelloz                      Yes

Mr. Greg Diez                            Yes

Ms. Jawanda Givens                  Yes

Ms. Avie Fontenot                      Yes

Ms. Cheri Blanchard Yes

Mr. Kevin Belanger                     Yes

Mr. Jerry Repka                         Yes

Ms. Teri St. Peter                       Yes

Vote:   Unanimous

Motion Passes


1. Ethics Certification Training Information Reminder

Louisiana Board of Ethics – Training

Each Board member is required to complete one (1) hour of Ethics Training per year.  Said training must be completed by December 31, 2023.


Reminder to complete if any Board Member has not done so.

LAT Board Minutes

December 15, 2023

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G.        UPDATES

1.         Program Update

Ms. Owens stated that The Work Connection enrollment has increased and that The Work Connection has been going to schools and attending as many Job Fairs as they can to be on target with performance.

2.         WIOA Funds – Financial Update (Information Only)

Ms. Mary Landry, Accountant stated that all expenditures look very good and that Work Connection, Inc., is on target with performance.

3.         LWDB Meeting Schedule

The next meeting of the LAT Workforce Development Board, Inc., is scheduled for 11:00 a.m., March 28, 2024 at Ellendale.

H.         LUNCH


Mr. Belanger spoke about a program South Central planning is offering along with Work Connection, Inc., as a carpenter’s apprentice.  Mr. John Boudreaux is heading up this program whereby individuals are working to learn a trade and develop experience becoming a carpenter.


South Central Planning is also offering a program to businesses that may have had damage from Hurricanes in the last 4 years it’s called restore Louisiana.  They can borrow up to a quarter of a million dollars with 0% interest with a 40% forgiveness.  They are certain stipulations for qualifying.  If any business is interested please contact South Central Planning for the Restore Louisiana program.



LAT Board Minutes

December 15, 2023

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Motion by Mr. Greg Diez/Seconded to Mr. Jerry Repka to adjourn.



Any Not in Favor:                     None

Abstains:                                 None


Mr. E. A. Angelloz                      Yes

Mr. Greg Diez                            Yes

Ms. Jawanda Givens                  Yes

Ms. Avie Fontenot                      Yes

Ms. Cheri Blanchard                   Yes

Mr. Kevin Belanger                     Yes

Mr. Jerry Repka                         Yes

Ms. Teri St. Peter                       Yes

Vote:   Unanimous

Motion Passes